Monday, March 3, 2008

Still crawling along...

Ok, so I was not able to explore the personal spaces of Dan or Ali... they BOTH have the flu. Hopefully, they'll be up and around so I can get the "grand tour" soon!

I have been thinking about my previous post, and why my informants prefer to meet at my house. Although they are both "technically " adults, they both live with their parents. Being with them at their houses, also means their parents are nearby. Not only would they have to curb their comments and stories, but their parents would also be involved. It seems that both Dan and Ali want this to be their "thing" without comments or interjections from their parents. I know from experience with Dan and his parents (Dan is my nephew),that when he and I are talking, they will answer for him, or correct him, or even berate him. If he mentions he was out on Thursday night, they'll say "you wouldn't believe how late". Because both Dan and Ali seem to feel comfortable with me, they want to be open to express themselves without any parental comments being interjected. Or at least that is my take on why they visit me...

In talking, most of the discussions are about how they spend their free time or social activities. Friendship and "hanging out" is very important to them. My final topic will be related to their social lives, maybe a "he said/ she said" type thing.

1 comment:

Professor Rubenstein said...

Good methods comments here, and their "social lives" would be a good section 2 in the end. Start thinking of sub topics like "hanging out."